IVC Lab Students Shine in Second “Revival Cup” Basketball Tournament, Securing Second Place

Four students from IVC Laboratory recently participated in the second “Revival Cup” basketball tournament and achieved remarkable success. Gao Changsheng, Sheng Xihua, Li Zhuoyuan, and Tang Chuanbo not only secured second place in the competition but also exhibited outstanding skills and teamwork.

In the tournament, Gao Changsheng demonstrated incredible offensive skills, leading his team to numerous successful attacks. His excellent performance at the center position helped his team maintain a strong attacking presence throughout the tournament. Meanwhile, Sheng Xihua’s solid defensive skills and versatile techniques made him a tough opponent to beat. He kept up a tight defense throughout the tournament, adding a layer of security to him team’s backline.

Li Zhuoyuan’s agility and adaptability made him a key player in his team’s success. He showed great flexibility and versatility on the court, keeping his opponents on their toes. Tang Chuanbo’s ball handling and quick thinking were invaluable assets to his team. His skillful use of the ball and strategic decision-making helped his team gain numerous opportunities to score.

Together, these four students formed an unstoppable team, each contributing unique strengths and skills to their success in the competition. Their outstanding performance earned them respect and admiration from their opponents and spectators alike.

IVC Laboratory congratulates Gao Changsheng, Sheng Xihua, Li Zhuoyuan, and Tang Chuanbo on their fantastic performance in the “Revival Cup” basketball tournament. We are proud of their achievements and look forward to their future success.


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